Rainbow Music Dancing Under Sail Beneath A Flattened Moon

  • Rainbow Music Dancing Under Sail Beneath a Flattened Moon –
  • Not People Who are Eaten Out Inside.
  • 108” x 72”, acrylic on unstretched canvas, 1995.



I painted this while Black Magic was busy winning the America’s Cup for New Zealand for the first time in 1995. The red background suggests to me that, at long last, we’ve found a way to give the Americans a hiding at something. On a deeper level, what if America doesn’t have all the answers nor all the best questions – what if we could all learn from each other and value everyone’s contribution (including America’s)


Some of the musical symbols are deliberately out of sync. Sometimes I find it disheartening when people tell me the average amount of time people look at a painting is 6 seconds. So, I painted some things that you wouldn’t register in 6 seconds, alongside things you would!


What the title of the painting means for me is that I painted Rainbow Music… I didn’t paint people who are eaten out inside.